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ARC Hosting NACFE and Carbon War Room Trucking Efficiency Workshop
November 10th 2015 - On December 9th, ARC is hosting Trucking Efficiency Workshop being organized by NACFE (North American Council for Freight Efficiency). The workshop includes a tour of the ARC facilities and a chance to see the ARC rolling road wind tunnel, an approved EPA Smartway facility, in action and obtain actual test results. During events throughout the day, an in-depth look at aerodynamic testing and evaluation, along with several workshops and discussions to further understand where the commercial industry is heading.
Event Schedule:  
8:30 am Registration
9:00 am Presentation by ARC on Fuel Efficiency Validation including Wind Tunnels
9:30 am Tour including watching wind tunnel tests of Tractor Trailers
10:30am Kick off workshop with a welcome and introductions
11:00am Leader Dialogue: TBD: the EPA and Manufacturers Invited
Noon Lunch & Networking
1:00 pm Technologies and Confidence Reports
1:30 pm Small Group Table Discussions (8)
3:45 pm ARC Reports on Wind Tunnel Data Results
4:15 pm Wrap up & Networking

Suggested Hotel:
Candlewood Suites Northwest, Mention ARC Rate = $69/night,
7455 Woodland Drive, Indianapolis, IN, 317-298-8000

Trucking Efficiency is a combined effort of the Carbon War Room and the North American Council for Freight Efficiency to double the freight efficiency of North American goods movement, through the elimination of market barriers to information, demand and supply.

To register visit the trucking efficiency website at:

About Auto Research Center

Auto Research Center, LLC is a research & development facility that provides analysis using its various testing devices such as wind tunnel, CFD Elements software, seven post rig and drive train test rig, as well as design and consultancy services. The majority of ARC’s customer base involves professional automotive racing teams, automotive manufacturers, delivery vehicle manufacturers, and heavy duty truck and trailer manufactures and military, all of which are concerned about efficiency, handling, and fuel economy. 

Motorsports     Production     Commercial     Government

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